#3 Disconnection
Jonathan Kitching Jonathan Kitching

#3 Disconnection

But what if you were without technology during a world wide pandemic? I know that to many this sounds completely absurd - everyone has a computer in 2020 right?! Wrong. Even now, when we seem to find ourselves more digitally connected than ever, many of our society are still without technology.

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#2 The Virtual Stage
Jonathan Kitching Jonathan Kitching

#2 The Virtual Stage

For me, the idea of Edinburgh in August without the Fringe is completely unimaginable. So when the inconceivable news was dropped on April 1st, I (like thousands of other artists, writers, producers, reviewers and backstage crew) was forced to pause, recalibrate and formulise a new plan now that we were faced with the gloomy prospect of a Non-Edinburgh-August.

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#1 Stupid.
Jonathan Kitching Jonathan Kitching

#1 Stupid.

‘When I was at secondary school, I was academically shamed by my humanities teacher for misunderstanding a homework task he’d set.’

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